Prayer and Fasting Resources

  • Get the Pray First App

    The Pray Frist App is a great tool that allows you to listen to music while you pray, keep a list of people to pray for.

    Don’t know what to pray? We’ve got you covered! The app has prayer models and prayers you can pray. Download it TODAY!

  • Pray First E-Book

    Would you rather use paper than the App? You’re in luck!

    Download and/or print the Pray First E-Book! It has all of the Prayer content that is in the app and is a great tool to help you grow your prayer life.

  • Fasting Resources

    In Luke 4, Jesus fasted for 40 Days and 40 Nights. Fasting from food will help you develop a Spiritual Discipline that you can use over 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting. This is also a tool that you can use to draw closer to God and strengthen your Faith. Click the button below for some amazing resources!